Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Is Grand Alliance on the way in J& K ?

Is Grand Alliance on the way in J& K ?

Srinagar: When the Hung Assembly was in sight, former Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir and Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad floated the idea  of 'Grand Alliance' comprised of PDP, NC & and Congress in the state to form the Govt.

Many peole treated it as Joke.

Now, turn of events looks like the wind is turning that way.

In a new political twist in Jammu and Kashmir, National Conference on Tuesday 13rh January 2014, formally offered support to PDP in a letter to Governor N N Vohra for forming a government that could break the logjam of over three weeks.

"@JKNC_has written to Governor Vohra Sahib reiterating our offer of support to @jkpdp and asking him to call us before deciding the assembly viability," National Conference's Working President Omar Abdullah tweeted.

In a statement, the party said Abdullah urged Vohra to consult the party leadership before taking any final decision regarding the future of the present assembly and its viability in the formation of the government.
The letter was delivered to Vohra by Provincial President Jammu Devender Singh Rana in Jammu this afternoon as a consequence of the meeting of NC Core Group in Srinagar on 12th January.

In the letter, Abdullah said that National Conference has offered to support to PDP, which has emerged as the single largest party in the just-concluded Assembly elections, a party release said.

"However, the political impasse in the state, due to indecisiveness of the PDP has led to the imposition of the Governor's rule and placing of the State Assembly in suspended animation despite an overwhelming participation of the people of Jammu and Kashmir in the electoral process", the letter said.

A PDP spokesman said the party will take note of the latest development in an appropriate forum.
"We will discuss this development in an appropriate party forum and respond after the deliberations," PDP Chief spokesman Naeem Akhtar told.

On the PDP's talks with BJP on government formation, Akhtar said back channel contacts were in progress.

The Assembly polls, whose results were declared on December 23 last, threw up a fractured mandate. PDP emerged as the single largest party with 28 seats in the 87-member House. BJP bagged 25 seats, NC 15 and Congress 12.

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