YOU DID IT..! Minister Responded..!

Do you know? Union Health Minister Mr. Anbumani Ramadoss has responded to it. He joined with you and all of us against bringing of Genetically Modified foods (GM Foods) to India. He voiced his concern about the issue in a response to more than 70,000 emails from Citizens of India opposing the Genetically Modified Foods.
Nethrakere Udaya Shankara
To make it crystal clear, I want to remember you about the letters all of you wrote to Union Health Minister some days back opposing the G.M. Foods through 'I AM No LAB RAT' campaign. PARYAYA too supported it with its articles.
And now we got the letter from 'I AM NO LAB RAT' campaigners explaining the success of this campaign. I want to put the letter before you as it is:
'You had chosen to exercise your right as a consumer, to have access to safe food as well as food of your choice, by raising your voice against GM crops/foods. More than 70,000 other consumers across India decided to write to the Health Minister too and joined the “I AM NO LAB RAT” campaign.
In addition the latest scientific study done at Austria sent shockwaves through companies pioneering GM technology as it confirmed that GM adversely affects fertility.
AND IT WORKED! Citizen voices and action do matter! The Health Minister had this to say in response to thousands of voices which said “I am no lab rat” to him
As a minister from PMK and also as the Union minister, I will continue opposing it. As far as the recent controversy is concerned Bt brinjal is being brought into the country without appropriate research on its safety. We should oppose it collectively. The ministry of health and family welfare as a policy will ensure that a holistic research (on Bt brinjal) is done - including health impacts and farmer issues. We will definitely not allow it into India otherwise."
You can watch Health Minister Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss taking a stand against GM Food in this VIDEO here. (Click on word VIDEO to view it)
To sustain this major development in support of the health interests of ordinary citizens, do thank the health minister for his pro-people stand and remind him that we await concrete action from his side now. You can send a thank you letter from this link :
Also wait for more updates from us on this front and continue exercising your right as a citizen of this country!
That is certainly a great news. A news worth rejoicing for its long term value and impact. This will give a great boost to this all important issue.
Amitabh Thakur,
Thanks for Supporting anti GM movement
krishna prasad
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