Thursday, July 21, 2016

BJP sacks UP VP for remarks against Mayawati

BJP sacks UP VP for remarks against Mayawati
New Delhi: BJP on Wednesday, 20th July 2016, sacked its Uttar Pradesh vice president Dayashankar Singh from all party posts and expelled him from party for six years for his derogatory slur against BSP chief Mayawati sparked massive uproar and pushed the saffron party in a tight corner.

UP BJP President Keshav Prasad Maurya told reporters that Singh has been relieved of all posts and said "such language has no place in the party".

BJP has been wooing dalits, a politically crucial community in Uttar Pradesh which goes to the polls early next year, and Singh's comments have the potential to damage its efforts. The party hopes that it will be able to contain the damage by acting swiftly against him.

As his remarks drew all-round flak, even from his own party, Singh tried to do some damage control by apologising and claimed it was a "slip of tongue".

A furious Mayawati, who is a dalit leader, demanded that Singh be expelled and warned the government in the Rajya Sabha that she will not be responsible if people hit the streets. Her party threatened to take legal action against the BJP leader.

She was joined by leaders from other parties, including Congress. Union Minister Arun Jaitley immediately distanced the BJP from Singh's comments and offered his regret.

"It is not right and I condemn the use of such words. I express personal regrets. I associate our dignity with yours and stand with you," Jaitley said.

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