Monday, October 10, 2016

Securtiy tightened along LOC in Kashmir

Securtiy tightened along LOC in Kashmir

Nowshehra (Jammu and Kashmir): Security tightened along the Line of Control (LoC), ANI reported on Monday, 10th October 2016. This action was taken by army after a soldier and a policeman were injured on Monday as security forces battled two to four guerrillas trapped in a government complex in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama district.
A police officer said the heavily armed militants entered the Jammu and Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI) in Pampore town in the morning and began firing at security forces.

The multi-storey building is located on the banks of the Jhelum river, some 12 km from the Srinagar city centre.
In another report ANI said that according to sources in Ministry of Home Affairs, more than 250 LeT & Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists have infiltrated into Kashmir valley,  and they infiltrated before the surgical strikes.
Indian Express in similar report said that Hizbul Mujahideen chief Syed Salahuddin has visited terrorist training camps along the LoC with Pakistan Army and ISI officials in a bid to encourage militants to infiltrate before the onset of winter and step up violence in Jammu and Kashmir.

Salahuddin’s recent movement has caused concern in the government as renewed attempts are being made from across the border to make up for the “lull” in terrorism after 2009 by pushing militants across the border before ,an official said.

Government officials said Pakistan continues to pursue the strategy of pushing infiltrators and triggering violence in Jammu and Kashmir. Infiltration attempts from across the Line of Control increased in the last nine months as compared to 2009.

Nearly 110 terrorists had infiltrated into the border state in 2009 through 413 infiltration attempts,in which 93 terrorists were killed.

This year from January to September,nearly 285 terrorists have attempted to infiltrate. Around 90 of them are believed to have been successful in their attempts.

Officials said nearly 700 terrorists,half of them foreign mercenaries,are active in Jammu and Kashmir.  According to an intelligence input,there are an estimated 42 terrorist training camps in Pakistan. The total number of militants staying in these camps is roughly between 2,000 to 2,500.

The security forces have successfully eliminated 59 terrorists between January to June this year in the state.

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