Boiling today?

By Nethrakere Udaya Shankara
Violence took about 5 lives in Jammu and Kashmir in past one week; Reason for the present controversy is transfer and taking back of land to the tune of 8 kanals to Shri Amaranath Shrine Board (SASB). While four persons died in Jammu one person wall killed in Kashmir. Jammu is under curfew since five days. Shree Amaranath Sangharsh Samithi (SASS), spearheading the agitation in Jammu has extended the bundh call for five more days, reports said on today 5th August 2008.
What is the really problem regarding this land Controversy?
Other day, my friend Mr. M.K. Shridhar, Reader in Canara Bank School of Studies, Bangalore University has forwared me a mail, which was forwarded to him from his friend at Jammu, Vaibhav Dange.
This mail gives some hard hitting facts behind the controversy. I want to present it here, with the hope of kindling thought on hard hitting truths.
Pls go through the mail:
When the Anti-Indians (the Kashmiris) campaign for Pakistan in their slogans, our Tiranga is burnt in Lal Chowk (a famous chowk in Srinagar), Pakistani flags are raised in Lal Chowk, instead of putting them behind bars or throwing them out of our revered Bharat, our Government has always patted them for one reason or the other; Why?
Every selection list that may be of State PSC, SSB or Medical colleges is being dominated by Kashmiris; what is the fate of Jammuites and Ladakhis?
Statistics speak themselves:
Area - Jammu : 26293 SqKm, Kashmir : 15948 SqKm
Govt. Income - Jammu : 75%, Kashmir : 20%
No. of voters - Jammu : 3059986, Kashmir : 288395
Now, see the difference: -
Assembly seats - Kashmir: 46, Jammu : 37
Lok Sabha seats - Kashmir: 3, Jammu : 2
Cabinet Ministers in last Govt. - From Kashmir: 14, From Jammu : 5
Unemployment - Kashmir: 29, Jammu : 69-70%
Why is this disparity? Lot of voices has been raised in the past and in present too, but Kashmir has always been able to suppress the voice of Jammu. Why?
The land which was allotted to Shri Amarnath Shrine Board (SASB) was wickedly taken back by State Govt. All this was done to appease the political parties like PDP (led by Mufti Mohd. sayeed & his pro-Pakistan daughter Mehbooba Mufti), National Conference (led by Omar Abdullah and his father Farooq Abdullah) and Separatists (who are getting tremendous aid from outside Bharat to speak against this mighty Nation whenever they get a chance). Please note that when the land was transferred to SASB, commoner from Kashmir was not against any kind of Govt. help provided to the Board.
After all they earn a lot during Amarnath Yatra and they also had respect for Bhole Baba's pious place.
In May 2008, the issue was discussed in State Cabinet wherein members from congress, PDP and People Democratic Front were present.
The resolution was passed by PDP and other members unanimously and the land was allotted to the Shrine Board at Baltal though with the below conditions: -
Shrine Board will have to deposit Rs. 2,31,30,400 in lieu of land;
This land is allotted to Shrine Board temporarily and after the culmination of yatra; this will again come under forest Deptt automatically.
SASB can only raise temporary structures on this land; and
Shrine Board cannot cut any tree on this land but will grow more other trees.
After accepting all these conditions, SASB got NOC from J&K Forest department.
Thereafter, the government issued an order No 184 Dated 26-5-2008 based on Cabinet decision No. 947 of 20-5-2008 by which 39.88 Hectors of land of Sindh Forest Division was allotted in favour of Shri Amarnath Shrine Board for raising structures at Baltal and Domel. Out of this, 9 Hectors was provided from Ranga to Baltal and 30.88 Hectors for raising such structures at Baltal.
People in Kashmir became anti to the land allotment only after (PDP, NC & Separatists) made the viscous environment in Kashmir by spreading the rumors that the land in question had been transferred to the Board for making colonies and settling the people coming from the parts of Bharat.
They had even propagated "Indians are trying to convert the land into Israel in order to crush Kashmiris". Repercussion was that mindset was diverted in Kashmir and people started demanding the revocation of the land allotment order.
It is important to mention here that Land was allotted to SASB only after the legislative was ratified in State Assembly and the Govt was of Congress-PDP coalition.
Why didn't PDP, NC and Separatists speak when the bill was ratified and formal order was signed in favour of SASB? Basically, it is crystal clear that these parties tried to increase their vote banks on religious ground. This is nothing but a clear gesture that these parties are staunch "Communal".
In 1998, when 623 kanals of forest land was given to Kashmiri Muslims, in December 2004, 4800 kanals of land was provided to Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University at Rajouri, in 2000 forest land provided to Islamic University at Pampore, in Bhathindi area of Jammu thousands kanals of forest land was captured by influential people from valley including Ministers, Legislatures and militants, no objection was raised by any one.
Soon, the Congress also came under the pressure of PDP on the ground that the latter would revoke its support from the coalition government if the land issue was not decided in favour of Kashmiris. In the meanwhile, Sh. N.N. Vohra had joined the J&K State as Governor. By the virtue of his position, Sh. Vohra had also become the Chairman of SASB. On the other hand, the PDP revoked its support and the Congress led government was told by the Hon'ble Governor to prove its majority on the floor of House.
The government knew that once the formal order had been issued in favour of SASB for land allotment, it was not possible to revoke the same. Possibility was there only when the Board itself gives in writing that the land is not required for the purpose.The government played its role and made Governor Vohra as its instrument to revoke the order.
It is pertinent to mention here that as per the constitution of SASB the quorum of five members is must for taking any such decision. But no rule was followed, Chairman SASB (Governor Vohra) without the concurrence of the quorum, wrote to government that the land in question was not required by SASB. Not to talk of gathering their concurrence, the members were not even informed of such a decision. The sentiments of the Hindus were crushed.
No minister in J&K Govt. spoke in favour of Jammu, not even ministers belonging to Jammu region. They will always be unanswerable for being mere spectators in this whole issue. On the day of proving its majority, the Congress government resigned without going for majority test on the floor of House and J&K State came under Governor Rule.
A petition was also filed in Hon'ble High court of J&K and the revocation order was stayed. But, the new government has never bothered to respect the orders of Hon'ble High Court.
Now, when the Jammuites are fighting against the cheating done with them, they are mercilessly beaten up by the police, dead bodies of the martyrs are disrespected. Very unfortunate to mention that policemen who belong to Jammu region always stand on the forefront to beat their own Jammuites. Please dear people think what is happening with our State.
Whole Bharat must come to know why we are fighting. We love Kashmir and Kashmiris, but not Separatism and Dominance of Anti-Indian thinking. It is the same feeling which we had during the British raj before 1947.
Jammu is burning and soon Kashmir will.
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