Nonstop killing despite Fatwa’s..!

Issuing Fatwa or edict by eminent Muslim seminary against cow slaughter is not new one. It is routine since independence. But slaughtering of Cows/ bullocks didn't stopped, instead increasing year by year even after 9 member full bench of Supreme Court gave its clear verdict against cow slaughter.
Nethrakere Udaya Shankara
Some time back on 27th April 2008 several newspapers and websites flashed news which said Fatwa or an edict was issued against cow slaughter and beef eating by eminent Islamic seminary Darul - Uloom, Deoband, the institution which was established about 150 years ago to save Islam from onslaught of British.
The news with Luknow dateline said: The Islamic seminary Darul-Uloom, Deoband has issued an edict calling Muslims to refrain from cow slaughtering and beef eating if it is "prohibited under law."
"Muslims must refrain from cow slaughter, beef eating or trading in cow hide," the issued edict read.
Deoband's fatwa department chief Mufti Habibur Rehman says that meat eaters can eat buffaloes, goats, chicken and fish, adding that Shariat doesn't allow beef-eating if "it's prohibited under law."
Rehman issued the edict in response to a query filed by a Haji Mohammad Israr asking whether Islam permits cow slaughter, trading in cows, bulls and calves and use of its skin for business.
In his letter to the seminary, Israr had written that there were many beefeaters in India/Uttar-Pradesh. (UP) and butchers were making money out of this business despite the State Government banning cow slaughter.
'Cow slaughter, therefore, was "najayaz" even though Islam allows beef-eating," the fatwa said.
It further said that any deed that brings bad name to the Muslims or evokes possibility of imprisonment is "haram".
It may be recalled that the Central Government had banned cow slaughter in 1955.
The UP Government issued an ordinance in December 2001 declaring cow slaughter as illegal. This was followed by Uttar Pradesh Prevention of Cow Slaughter Act 2002, making the offence punishable by imprisonment from seven to 10 years or a fine upto Rs 10,000.
The news said that an eminent activist Javed welcomed the edict describing it to be an important development for the Hindu - Muslim friendship. He said 'Muslims should respect Hindu sentiments and avoid Cow slaughter. Influential seminary's fatwa would go a long way in ensuing this.'
He added that 'The fatwa should have come earlier, but better late than never. It is a welcome move'.
But do you know why Darul Uloom Deoband issued this fatwa? Is it new one? Or whether it has history in issuing fatwa like this?
On 3rd July 2004, in an interview to Indian Express, Maulana Ansar Shah Kashmiri
, the chairman of Darul Uloom, said that issuing fatwa against slaughtering cow and beef eating is not new. It is issuing this fatwa every year since 50 years. It is a routine since Independence’’.
According to Maulana Answar Shah, in 2004, the fatwa was issued from Deoband and was highlighted in an Urdu daily. It was then picked up by news agencies and Sangh Parivar leaders including Pravin Togadia reacted positively to it.
Maulana Answar Shah says ' Actually, The decision against cow slaughter was taken up during a Congress conclave in 1930 in which Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad appealed to Muslims to refrain from cow slaughter.
‘‘Our institute had been saying the same thing for the last 50 years but this time with elections round the corner, it has been highlighted,’’ said the chairman.
Why they must be protected?
* Not just for religious feelings, that they are worshipped by Hindus.
* Mother feeds milk to her baby just for one year, but cow feeds milk to man/ woman for their entire life time.
* Cow gives butter, ghee, butter milk which is considered as best food for human beings.
* It gives urine and cow dung which is scientifically proved as best organic manure for the agricultural crops without which entire life of human beings would be perished. The chemical manure which we thought best for soil has proved dangerous in these days.
* Cow / bullock urine cures deadly disease like cancer and several other diseases. Milk of the cows which graze on hills proved best to protect against cancer.
* Cow / bullock dung is used not only as manure, but also as best means for fuel. It gives gober gas as well as light which would be boon to our villages to become self reliant.
* Latest inventions proved that bullocks could be used in generating electricity while running bullock carts for transport purposes.
* Several cosmetics, floor/ toilet cleaners apart from medicines have been produced out of cow/ bullock urine. Hence for farmers, not only the milk, but also the urine and dung of cows/ bullocks would bring prosparity if they utilise them intelligently.
* Cow and Bullock power is the real power of Indian Villages and it brings health, wealth, nutritious food and prosparity to all without making any disparities between castes, creeds or religions.
* Inspite of this why Cows/ bullocks are being butchered for eating purposes? It is nothing like killing of hen which gives golden egg every day. Isn't it?
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